Week of Mar 4 Geography Daily Oral Geography Study Skills



Define "quinceanera" and its part in Latin America Culture also describe the "Day of the Dead" celebration

Read handout and answer questions

  Using the Cornell method of note taking - practice using Cornell Notes



Identify the many aspects of daily life in Latin America - read pages 223-225 and create a reading web   Reading Strategies - identify the three reading strategies - skimming, scanning, and study-reading - workbook pages 74-75

Practice the strategy of skimming pg 76




Define "maquiladora" and explain where and why they exist

Read Handout and answer question - in class activity

  Students will practice using the reading strategy of skimming as they read pages 78-79 in workbook

Also practice using scanning WB 80-81


Students will identify Hugo Chavez and where he is from

Work on World's Fair presentations

  What is the study strategy SQ3R - workbook pages 83-85





Spend time working with World's Fair Group practicing the presentation - focus on the introduction  


Test Taking skills
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