Week of Nov. 12 Geography Daily Oral Geography Study Skills



No School   No School



Junior Achievement - Explain how cultural aspects of business vary from country to country - discuss how cultural differences affect business decisions No D.O.G.  



Economy - Students will identify how the economy of a country can affect the culture -

Bead Simulation Activity


1. What is the line of longitude that passes through Greenwich, England, called?

2. Kabul is the capital of the country that borders Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan, Tajikistan, Iran, and Pakistan.  What is the country's name?

Students will organize information using an outline format - read and do pages 18-19 together

Do page 20 alone


First Period - Bullying Assembly; 2nd and 4th Period - Presentation by Kofi Gunu, high school foreign exchange student

7th and 9th Period - Economy - Students will identify how the economy of a country can affect the culture - identify and describe traditional, command, and market economies

  Students will organize information using an outline format - Do page 21 together

Do page 22 top together; bottom alone and page 23 top together; bottom alone




Period 1, 2, 4 - Economy - Students will identify how the economy of a country can affect the culture - identify and describe traditional, command, and market economies

Period 7 and 9 - Write the culture essay for World's Fair - work on culture review worksheet

1. What word describes a large city with communities around it?

2. Tunis is the capital of which country? 


Students will outline information using an outline format - Do page 24 -26 together

Assignment:  page 27 and 29

  To view last weeks lessons click here