Week of Nov 26 Geography Daily Oral Geography Study Skills



World's Fair Culture - each student will write a 5-paragraph essay on one cultural aspect of their World's Fair country 1. What is the capital of the country with the largest land area in the Western Hemisphere?

2. Name the six countries in Africa that have coastlines on the Atlantic Ocean and lie on or between 20 degrees North adnd 20 degrees South.

Cause and Effect:  Finish "Wayne the Victor" and "The Crash"

Compare and Contrast:  Workbook pages 38-40




Junior Achievement:  Identify how improvements in technology have had an effect on trade No D.O.G Time Relationships:  Workbook pages 41-42

Sequencing Events:  Read stories and sequence the events




Students will identify physical features of North America - Read pages 117-120 and complete a reading outline

Assignment:  Worksheet

1. The second largest sea in the world is south of Cuba.  What is its name?

2. How many degrees are there between the equator and the southern tip of Greenland?

Problem/Solution - organize ideas by presenting the problem and solution - Workbook page 44 - 46


Students will label physical and political features of North America on a map - work with partner to label poster map

Assignment:  Poster Map

No D.O.G. today

Organizing Information Review Worksheet and page 47




Continue working on labeling physical and political features of North America

Assignment:  Poster Map

1. Which country in southern Africa, with Mozambique on its east and South Africa to the south, used to be called Rhodesia?

2. barometer : air pressure : : ___ : wind speed


Fact and Opinion Workbook pages 48-49
  To view last weeks lessons click here