Week of Sept 24 Geography Daily Oral Geography Study Skills



Review Seasons; define tropics, temperate zone, and polar zone

Assignment:  finish vocabulary

Is the Tropic of Capricorn north or south of the Antarctic Circle?

2. Name the seven continents from largest to smallest.

Cause/Effect - Wayne the Victor Part 3 - students will read a story and identify cause/effect relationships





World's Fair - group assignments - country exploration - students will be given a list of countries and rotate around the room to look through books about those countries 1. The United States and Canada are countries on which continent?

2. Suriname and Guyana are countries on which continent?

Review - Compare and Contrast - do page 40 together

Time Relationship - identify sequence of events using before and after word - do page 41 together; do page 42 alone




World's Fair - Country Exploration - students will be given a list of countries and rotate around the room to look through books about those countries 1. Which oceans does the equator cross?

2. Which line of longitude forms a great circle with the Prime Meridian?

Problem/Solution - page 44 together; page 45 alone



Finish looking at books on countries - students will create a Top 10 list of countries for their World's Fair group

Today - 8th Hour - Country Draft!

1. What is Puerto Rico and where is it located?

2. What is the capital of the Central American country that has a major canal running through it?

Organizing Information Quiz - do page 47 and worksheet to show understanding of organization skills







Fact/Opinion - students will determine if a given sentence is a fact or an opinion - page 48 together - page 49 alone
  To view last weeks lessons click here