Week of January 30 Geography Daily Oral Geography



Junior Achievement:  Students will be working with Junior Achievement Volunteers to 1) define trade, import, and export 2) identify why the U.S. trades with other countries 3) list products imported from other countries





Review for Canada Test

Review PowerPoint

1. Name three landlocked countries of Asia.

2. What part of the Indian Ocean is between the east coast of India and Myanmar?




World's Fair Work - Students will work with their groups on putting together the tri-fold project board, finishing their place to visit, locating facts about their country, preparing the presentation 1. Which country is the smallest in land area in Central America?  Which is the largest?

2. What do Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Ukraine, and Kazakhstan have in common?


Canada Test 1. The following are the three largest lakes in the world:  Caspian Sea, Lake Superior, Lake Victoria.  To which continent does each belong?

2. Two countries in the Caribbean share an island.  What are the names of the countries and the island?




World's Fair Work - Continue working in groups to put together the tri-fold project board, finish places to visit, locate facts about their country, preparing the presentation 1. If you travel from the Eastern Time Zone to the Central Time Zone, you must adjust your watch.  What do you need to do to it?

2. What are the veld of South Africa?

  To view last weeks lessons click here