Week of October 10 Geography  



No School Native American Day



Wrap-up Native American discussion - how many reservations are in South Dakota?  What is the connection between South Dakota reservations and poorest counties in the U.S.?

Big Idea:  Many process shape Earth's surface

Define solar system, orbit, revolution, leap year, rotation, axis, atmosphere

Check out the link to see how seasons occur on the earth:  http://astro.unl.edu/classaction/animations/coordsmotion/eclipticsimulator.html


1.  What is the capital of the country whose neighbors are Colombia, Brazil, and Guyana?

2. What is the difference between a plateau and a plain?




Big Idea:  Many processes shape Earth's surface

Chapter 1 - Section 2:  Seasons - define summer solstice, winter solstice, equinox - then complete chart on seasons

1. What is absolute location?

2. Name the seven countries that make up Central America.


Big Idea:  Many Processes shape the Earth's surface

Go over chart on seasons -

Identify how latitude affects seasons - define tropics, temperate zone, polar zone - Draw and label each of these zones of the earth

1. If it is winter in Poland, what season is it in Zimbabwe? Why?

2. What is the capital of the country through which 40 degrees north and 20 degrees east pass?




Big Idea:  Many processes shape the Earth's surface

Internal forces that shape the earth - pages plate tectonics, earthquakes volcanoes (pages 46-47)

External forces that shape the earth - weathering and erosion (pages 47-48)

For more information on volcanoes:  http://www.nationalgeographic.com/forcesofnature/

For more on earthquakes, volcanoes, and and tornadoes:  http://www.nationalgeographic.com/forcesofnature/ 

1. Into how many degrees of longitude is the earth divided?

2. If it is dawn in the eastern United States, what is it in the western United States?

  To view last weeks lessons click here