Week of Aug 27 | Geography | Daily Oral Geography | Study Skills |
Define latitude and longitude;
define hemisphere; locate places on a map using latitude and longitude Assignment: Latitude-Longitude Worksheet |
Organizational Skills - students
will complete an organization survey Discuss organizing your study place at home |
Daily Oral Geography - D.O.G. Continent Pretest - Do you know your continents? Learn the Continent Song and begin working on a continent map with a partner Assignment: Continent Map - due next Tues. |
1. What is the line of latitude
located at 0 degrees? 2. What is the line of longitude located at 0 degrees? |
Organization - Learn from Others
Interview: Students will interview another student in the class
regarding organization Assignment: Organization interview reflection worksheet "What I Learned" Read through "Organization Skills Tips" together Assignment: Organizational Acrostic Puzzle |
Label the 7 continents and 4
oceans on a map of the world; label mountains and rivers; label the
equator, Prime Meridian, Tropic of Cancer and Tropic of Capricorn on the
map Assignment: Continent Map - due next Tues. |
1. Into how many degrees
longitude is the earth divided? 2. What is the name given to all lines that run parallel to the equator? |
Identify how the geography books are organized - complete the Geography Scavenger Hunt Worksheet |
Thursday |
Continue working on continent Map | 1. What is located
at 90 degrees north? What is located at 90 degrees south? 2. What is located at 180 degrees longitude? |
Continue working on
Geography Scavenger Hunt Worksheet
GPS Activity - learn to identify latitude and longitude on a GPS -
locate features using the GPS Assignment: GPS activity Worksheet |
1. Who is the Republican party's candidate for President and Vice
President? 2. In what state did the Republican party convention take place? |
Identify how the science textbook is organized - complete the Science Scavenger Hunt Worksheet |
To view last weeks lessons click here |