Week of Aug 27 Geography Daily Oral Geography Study Skills



Define latitude and longitude; define hemisphere; locate places on a map using latitude and longitude

Assignment:  Latitude-Longitude Worksheet

  Organizational Skills - students will complete an organization survey

Discuss organizing your study place at home




Daily Oral Geography - D.O.G.

Continent Pretest - Do you know your continents?

Learn the Continent Song and begin working on a continent map with a partner

Assignment:  Continent Map - due next Tues.

1. What is the line of latitude located at 0 degrees?

2.  What is the line of longitude located at 0 degrees?

Organization - Learn from Others Interview:  Students will interview another student in the class regarding organization

Assignment:  Organization interview reflection worksheet "What I Learned"

Read through "Organization Skills Tips" together

Assignment:  Organizational Acrostic Puzzle




Label the 7 continents and 4 oceans on a map of the world; label mountains and rivers; label the equator, Prime Meridian, Tropic of Cancer and Tropic of Capricorn on the map

Assignment:  Continent Map - due next Tues.

1. Into how many degrees longitude is the earth divided?

2.  What is the name given to all lines that run parallel to the equator?

Identify how the geography books are organized - complete the Geography Scavenger Hunt Worksheet


Continue working on continent Map 1. What is located at 90 degrees north?  What is located at 90 degrees south?

2. What is located at 180 degrees longitude?

Continue working on Geography Scavenger Hunt Worksheet






GPS Activity - learn to identify latitude and longitude on a GPS - locate features using the GPS

Assignment:  GPS activity Worksheet

1. Who is the Republican party's candidate for President and Vice President?

2.  In what state did the Republican party convention take place?

Identify how the science textbook is organized - complete the Science Scavenger Hunt Worksheet
  To view last weeks lessons click here