Week of Jan 7 Geography Daily Oral Geography Study Skills



Geography Bee Preliminary Test

Assignment:  World's Fair Culture - typed and saved into the Apps Drive

Using Atlas Tables handout - Section 1 - World Facts Introduction to Study Skills

What is study skills? 

Describe the skills needed to be successful in 7th grade - list and share with a partner. 




Students will discover the vast array of energy, mineral, and natural resources found in Canada and the United States - read pages 121-122 in geography book and complete worksheet

Assignment:  Ch 4 Sect 1 Worksheet

Using Atlas Tables handout - Section 2 - Table of Contents Students will identify what it means to be a student who is working Above the Line and one who is working Below the Line

Organize binders using the colored folder system  




Students will identify environmental issues facing both Canada and the United States - read pages 171-172 of geography book and complete worksheet

Assignment:  Ch 6 Sect 2 Worksheet

Using Atlas Tables handout - Section 4 - Understanding Map Projections Students will set goals for second quarter - identify S.M.A.R.T goals


Students will locate and label the provinces of Canada - map of Canada

Assignment:  Map of Canada

Using Atlas Tables handout - Section 5 - Country Tables What are the intelligences used in learning? Introduction to Multiple Intelligences

Identify the 8 intelligences and complete worksheet





Students will identify physical and political features of Canada - watch video and complete viewing guide


Using Atlas Tables handout - Section 6 - Country Tables


Students will take the Multiple Intelligences survey and identify their areas of strength
  To view last weeks lessons click here