Week of March 11 Geography Daily Oral Geography Study Skills



World's Fair Work Day - students will work in their groups practicing their presentation and then presenting to the class No D.O.G. this week No study skills today



World's Fair - 2 groups will present to the class - Feedback will be given to each group

Latin America's Top 10 - due tomorrow

Study for Latin America Map Test:  Link to South America; Link to Middle America

  Test skills - students will determine skills for various types of test questions

Workbook pages 68-73




Turn in Latin America's Top 10

One World's Fair groups will present to the class and feedback will be given

  Testing Skills Packet


Class Presentations - Two World's Fair groups will present to the class and feedback will be given   Introduction to Study Skills

What is study skills? 

Describe the skills needed to be successful in 7th grade - list and share with a partner. 





Students will evaluate the reasons for and against Puerto Rico becoming the 51st state of the U.S.

Read handout and answer questions

Assignment:  Amazon Rainforest Crossword Puzzle Map




Students will set goals for second quarter - identify S.M.A.R.T goals
  To view last weeks lessons click here