Week of March 11 | Geography | Daily Oral Geography | Study Skills |
World's Fair Work Day - students will work in their groups practicing their presentation and then presenting to the class | No D.O.G. this week | No study skills today |
World's Fair - 2 groups will
present to the class - Feedback will be given to each group Latin America's Top 10 - due tomorrow Study for Latin America Map Test: Link to South America; Link to Middle America |
Test skills - students will
determine skills for various types of test questions Workbook pages 68-73 |
Turn in Latin America's Top 10 One World's Fair groups will present to the class and feedback will be given |
Testing Skills Packet | |
Thursday |
Class Presentations - Two World's Fair groups will present to the class and feedback will be given | Introduction to Study Skills What is study skills? Describe the skills needed to be successful in 7th grade - list and share with a partner.
Students will evaluate the reasons for and against Puerto Rico becoming
the 51st state of the U.S. Read handout and answer questions Assignment: Amazon Rainforest Crossword Puzzle Map
Students will set goals for second quarter - identify S.M.A.R.T goals |
To view last weeks lessons click here |