Week of Oct. 22 Geography Daily Oral Geography Study Skills



Finish population pyramid analysis with group

Use the Census website to find information on population for your World's Fair Country

Assignment:  Study for Population Test - Things to Know for Test

Population Packet - Part F:  Pyramid Graph Introduction to Study Skills

What is study skills? 

Describe the skills needed to be successful in 7th grade - list and share with a partner.




Finish Population Pyramid Worksheet for Haiti and France

Population Test Review - PowerPoint for Review

Population Packet - Part E:  Pie Graphs Students will identify what it means to be a student who is working Above the Line and one who is working Below the Line

Organize binders using the colored folder system 




Population Test

What is culture?  Define culture, culture region, cultural trait, ethnic group, and cultural universals


No D.O.G. Students will set goals for second quarter - identify S.M.A.R.T goals


Define values and ethics - determine how religion affects culture - complete a graphic organizer describing characteristics of the main religious groups in the world

Graphic Organizer

Turn in Population Packet What are the intelligences used in learning? Introduction to Multiple Intelligences

Identify the 8 intelligences and complete worksheet




Continue identifying characteristics of the main religions of the world - notes on Islam, Hinduism, and Judaism

Assignment:  Religion Crossword Puzzle

No D.O.G.


Students will take the Multiple Intelligences survey and identify their areas of strength
  To view last weeks lessons click here